Boomerang Comedy Theater is excited to announce a special stand-up comedy show featuring New York City-based touring comedian Ben Frank on Thursday, November 21 at 7 p.m. Frank, who released his first full-length special titled "Let Me Be Frank" earlier this year, is making his third appearance on the Boomerang stage. He will be joined by fellow NYC natives Janet Sullivan and Dori Dimplez for an unforgettable night of laughter.
“Boomerang is one of my favorite places to perform in the country,” said Frank, who is a regular on the World Series of Comedy circuit. “The intimate and welcoming vibes of the theater and those who support it always make me look forward to coming to Baton Rouge.”
Tickets for this highly anticipated show are available for $15 at Tickets can be purchased at the door, but seating is limited, so it’s recommended to purchase them ahead of time for this evening of top-tier comedy.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit or call 706.504.1732.